Saturday, October 23, 2010

20 Months

Cali Maple is 20 months old today!  Wow!  Where has the time gone?  They really do grow up fast.
Cali is a very active toddler who keeps us on our toes.

Cali 20 Month Stats:

  • Cali is 23 lbs 10 ozs
  • Wears size 18 -24 month clothes
  • Size 6 shoe
  • Size 4 diaper
  • She has 10 teeth
  • Favorite foods: pasta, pears, peaches, chicken, beef, french toast, mac n cheese, sliced ham, graham crackers, goldfish, cookies and french fries
  • Will only drink milk or water
  • Goes to playschool 2 days a week for half the day, then spends the rest of her day playing with daddy until mommy gets home
  • Loves to dance
  • Is learning how to say new words everyday.  Some new words are apple, door and up.
  • Sleeps from 8pm to 7:30am and takes a morning and afternoon 1 hour nap.  

Cali is such a joy to be around.  It is hard to be sad around her.  She loves to give hugs and blow kisses.  She even gives them without being asked.

Cali is also a toddler and has the art of throwing fits down to an art.  Here is an example of one such fit.  I think she was mad because I wouldn't let her play with the camera.

Cali keeps our days enjoyable and entertaining.  We are blessed and honored to be her parents.

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