Monday, May 27, 2013

Our Long Weekend

Friday started our weekend fun with a doctor visit and fun with Nana.  Hannah was set to have her first laser treatment on her lip to help lighten the skin discoloration from her hemangioma.  My mom came and sat with the other 2 kids so I could be with Hannah.  Hannah was not happy that four of us were holding her down so a loud noise could happen but she took it like a champ.  The actual procedure took about a minute.  The area is red and bruised but this is expected.  It will take a few weeks for the area to calm down.  We hope one more treatment will do the trick.

After the appointment we all headed over to a children's museum to play.  It was pretty small which helped since it was 3 kids to 2 adults!  After some good play time we enjoyed some lunch and a walk with Nana.
Henry loved the ball area

The girls coloring 

Cali the Cow

Nana and Henry on a walk

 Back home the kids took a nap and then helped Nick fix the deck.  You can never have too many helpers when using power tools!

Saturday morning I ran in my first 10k race.  It was local and the route was pretty flat.  I even came in 2nd for my age group and got a prize!  Nick and the kids were waiting for me at the finish line!  I was very happy to see them and to stop running!  I was super happy with my pace and time.  Only five months till I run my half marathon!
Cali and me at the finish

Nick and I snuck out for a late dinner Saturday night while the kids were sleeping.  This is easier on babysitters!

Sunday was a work day for Nick at church.  The kids and I went to church in the morning, had lunch with Nick in his office then home for naps and playtime.

Monday was a full day of family fun!  We headed out early to do some shopping and grab some lunch. Then it was home for nap time.  Nick and Cali cleaned our pool so the kids could play.

Cali washing the pool

This was the first time the twins got to play in our pool.  Hannah was all about it and loved splashing.  Henry was a little hesitant and preferred to stand outside and dump water on himself with a cup.
Hannah loves water

Cali sliding in her galoshes 

After dinner we made S'mores which was closely followed by a bath.

This is how Henry asks for a bite of Mommy's S'more


Thursday, May 16, 2013

I wrote a cookbook

Normally I keep our family blog focused on the cute stuff our kids do and the fun adventures we go on.  I wanted to take a minute to plug a book I wrote!!  I published a Gluten Free cookbook in April that has over 50 recipes that are easy to make with minimal ingredients.  They are all Gluten Free but that doesn't mean you can't make them if you eat Gluten!  It is called Family Approved Gluten Free Recipes

Some of the recipes include: bacon cheddar puffs, onion rings, shepherd's pie, crock pot lasagna, pumpkin whoopie pies and lemon squares.

If you are interested it can be purchased on Amazon for only $6.99!  If you happen to purchase a copy please help me out and leave a comment on Amazon!  This will help the book rank higher on searches.

You can also check out my Gluten Free blog over at!  I'm also on twitter and instagram if you want daily updates on what we are eating!

Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

18 Month Twin Update

The twins are a year and a half today!  The first thing that comes to my mind is, "we survived!"  Having twins is intensely difficult.  Everything is times two!  But having twins is also a huge blessing.  Henry and Hannah love each other and have so much fun together.  They truly care about one another! Today Henry ran into something (happens about 5 times a day) so he was crying and Hannah brought him a paci to cheer him up.  It was adorable!  Henry will also bring Hannah her favorite teddy bear, Pinkie, if she is upset.  It is so sweet to see them interact.  Don't get me wrong they also have their moments.  They will steal a toy from the other without hesitation and knock one another down to get to a desired item!  Nothing is as much fun as when your twin is playing with it!  They are also all about equality.  You can't give one a sippy cup without the other whining for one too!

Henry 18 Months

Hannah 18 Months

They are growing up so much.  We took the kids to the local park last week and everyone got to play.  Last summer and fall the twins had to suffer in the stroller while Cali ran around playing.  This time they were right there with her running around and climbing.

Henry's favorite things include: pacifiers (don't judge!), BALL, the dog, food, milk, playing outside and mommy (again don't judge!).
Henry and his BFF Jack

Hannah's favorite things include: any toy she can carry around, Pinkie the bear, marshmallows, milk, talking and playing by herself.
Hannah trying to ride Cali's bike

Food - They drink whole milk and water from sippy cups.  Hannah also enjoys juice boxes.  They eat three meals a day and get two snacks.  Favorite foods include: french toast sticks, pears, goldfish, chicken, green beans, pasta and veggie chips.  Henry can out eat Cali and Hannah remains reserved in her food choices. 
Sleep - The nap transition continues, somedays they nap twice and others it is only one.  They go to bed at 7:30pm and wake up around 7:30am.  
Clothes - Hannah is in 12 month some 18 month tops.  Henry is in 18 month clothes.  Both are in size 5 shoe.
Weight -  Hannah 21 lbs Henry 25 lbs  
Height - Hannah 30 inches Henry 32 inches  
Diapers - Pampers size 3
Health - Hannah has her first laser treatment for her hemangioma this month.  The doctor said it will look worse before it gets better and she will be mad as a hornet during the procedure.  Wish us luck!
Fun Facts - Henry has ten teeth and Hannah has twelve.  
Wagon rides are also very popular these days!  Hannah has a bubble wand and Henry has a stick.  They also like to switch sides mid-walk. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend 2013

Saturday Cali and I went to a Tea Party with some girl cousins, aunts, Maw Maw and Grannie at a fancy hotel.  Cali was so excited that she talked about it for days!
Cali and mommy ready to go

Cali and Maw Maw

Maw Maw, Grannie and Cali

Our group

Saturday afternoon we celebrated Mother's Day with my side at our house.  We had a tasty dinner and celebrated Mom.  The cousins had fun playing.

Sunday after church we headed to Nick's mom's house.  More tasty food and playing with cousins.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Farewell Old Friend

This has been a tough week in our house.  Saturday we were outside playing with the kids and Harley. While chasing the ball Harley started to stumble around.  Sunday she was getting worse.  Monday I took her to the vet and her blood pressure was very high.  We went home with meds, but she only got worse on Tuesday.  Wednesday she was not herself in many ways.  Nick and I made the very hard decision to put her to rest.  

Harley was our first child.  We got her when we had only been married for 6 weeks.  So she has been a part of us since we have been an us.

It is sad with her gone.  Jack seems lonely and lost without her.  

It was a wonderful 10 years with her.  Farewell Old Friend! 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Hair Cuts

The other day we took the twins to get haircuts.  It was Henry's second and Hannah's first.  They were both big enough to sit in the chairs by themselves.  Henry did good for about 3 minutes then cried the rest of the time.  Hannah was ok for about 5 minutes then I had to give her goldfish to keep her happy.  In the end both got hair cuts and were happy.  Success!

Henry before

Henry after
Henry in the big boy seat

Hannah not too happy about getting her hair cut

Hannah after