Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Weekend Recap and Moving Up

Over the weekend we had a party at our wonderful friends, the Dickey's house.  It was a Halloween party so the kids got to dress up.  Cali was a cat, Henry was a pumpkin and Hannah was a flower.  They were all so adorable!  The party had a hayride and a little kid bouncy house.  We had a ton of fun and enjoyed spending time with friends.

Cali getting ready to go on the hayride with the other kids
 We put the twins, Cali and another little baby (8 months) in the bounce house together.  It was so cute to see the babies crawling around and laughing at Cali.

We also had to move all the kids up in car seats this weekend.  Cali is now in a big girl booster seat and the twins are in rear facing car seats instead of their carriers.  Everyone seems to enjoy their new seats!

I also wanted to share this fun picture of the "traffic jam" we had yesterday.  The twins are getting so close to walking!  They love to push around their toys.  To be honest I'm not looking forward to them walking because we will have three kids running in opposite directions and to be honest I'm just not that fast :)  Our house is about to get crazy!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

11 Month Twin Update

Wow!  That is all I can say!  The twins are 11 months old today!  One more month and they will be a year old!  Time has flown by but in some cases that is ok because having two infants is ridiculously hard, I mean want to loose your mind hard!  If I didn't have Nick by my side for the last 11 months I would be in a world of hurt.  There are some people who love babies, we are not those people.  We like toddlers and teenagers.  So we are looking forward to the next stage with the twins.  It will be chaos but oh so much fun!

Nick and I make a great team and Cali is a big help.  She continues to amaze me with her love for her little brother and sister.  I hear things like "Mommy, I made Hannah laugh", "Mommy, Henry and I are playing family" or "Mommy, the babies want you".  So sweet!  She is also the best way to get the babies happy if they are grumpy.  Cali will start singing and dancing around for the babies and the tears stop.  She is our secret weapon!
Henry 11 months

Hannah 11 months

Food - Four bottles a day of formula and three solid food meals.  Hannah takes 5-7 ozs, Henry 5-8 ozs.  They are eating a ton of food these days.  Favorites are: chicken, mac-n-cheese, cereal, green beans, pancakes, waffles, and veggie chips.  Henry can eat as much as Cali during some meals!  Nick mentioned today that Henry is going to be expensive to feed.  If we are eating out we order a kids meal for the babies to share.  
Sleep - They take a morning nap and an afternoon nap.  They nap at 10am and 3pm.  They go to bed at 8pm and wake up around 7:00am.  Hannah doesn't need as much sleep as Henry so she will wake up from the afternoon nap about 45 minutes before Henry.  She has even skipped the afternoon nap a time a two.  Not a good idea in my book!
Clothes - Hannah is in 6-9 and some 9-12 month.  Henry is in 9-12 and 12 month size.
Weight -  Hannah 16 lbs 15 oz Henry 20 lbs 7 oz  (they went to the Dr. this week so these are the official numbers) Yes Henry is 3.5 lbs bigger than Hannah!
Height - Hannah 27.5 inches Henry 29 inches  
Diapers - Pampers size 3
Health - Hannah's Hemangioma looks so good.  We are in the process of reducing her medication and will go in December to see if she needs further treatments.  Henry has a small ear infection so he is on anti-biotics.
At the Dr. this past week.  Henry on left, Hannah on right. 

Fun Facts - Hannah has 2 teeth and Henry has 3 with a 4th about to break through.  Henry continues to climb onto anything he can find.  He is also getting very good at standing so walking is just around the corner.  Hannah's official first word is "Momma" and she knows it means me!!

Mommy and Hannah time in the afternoon while everyone else is napping

Fearless Henry

Now we get to start planning the twins first birthday party!  Cali has already picked out the theme of Mickey and Minnie.  I think it works!

Here is Cali at 11 months!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pumpkins and Musuems

Friday afternoon we loaded up and went to a local pumpkin patch.  Cali picked out her pumpkin in about a minute and a half.  She then helped the twins pick out their pumpkins.  She worked very hard to make sure the babies had the best pumpkins!
Cali with her pumpkin

Helping Hannah pick her pumpkin

Henry giving his pumpkin a taste

Hannah and her pumpkin
 Then Cali headed onto two mazes solo!  She didn't make a wrong turn in either of them and just walked through like it was nothing!  Nick and I were so amazed!  Fearless and so clever!
Hay bail maze - check!

Blueberry maze - check!
 We even attempted to get all 3 kids to sit for a photo.  This is the best one :)
Our three kiddos

After pumpkin fun we headed home for nap time.   Everyone woke up early and we decided we should go to the Children's museum in a bigger city about 40 minutes away.  Wow was it a hit!  They had a great area for the twins to crawl around and investigate lots of fun things.  The museum also had really fun stuff for Cali like a market, a Dr. office, a pizza parlor, a train, a plane, a fire truck, a police car....  It was a ton of fun and everyone had a blast.  After about an hour and fifteen minutes Henry crawled over to the stroller and climbed into his seat!  I took this as a sign that we were done.  So we gathered everyone up and headed out for dinner.
Hannah and Henry

Two Hannahs!

Henry the climber

Cali in the market
Saturday was another fun day with pumpkin carving and outings to Target and a restaurant.  Our town had the grand opening of a children's museum so we took the babies home to nap so Cali and I could check it out.  Since it was the first day it was packed - I mean fire marshall slowly letting people in packed.  Once Cali got over all the people she ran around and had fun.  We even saw some friends there.  It is a fun little museum but the one in the next town over is way better.
Dr. Cali

So with a pumpkin patch and two children museum visits we had a couple full days.   Sunday we had church in the morning and kids and I stayed home the rest of the day and played.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Funny Kiddos

Here are some random photos and stories of our funny kids!

Henry is a climber.  And I mean he will climb into or on anything he can.  For example under the changing table

or on top of the desk!

Cali got something special this past week - her very own library card!  She is so excited.  Nick took her and they picked out five books.

Cali loves to build with legos.  Her main thing to make are towers.  She was so proud of this one she wanted me to take a picture of it!
 While I cook dinner I close the dog gate so the kids will stay in the "safe" play area.  And this is normally what ends up happening.  All three kids at the gate trying to get me to "free" them!  Too cute!

Sweet Hannah is still so laid back and calm.   She loves to play peek a boo.  She will hold up a blanket in front of her face, then drop it and smile.  I have video of it - so sweet.

She even likes to push her brother around on toys!

Having three kids three and under is crazy but it is also a lot of fun!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Family Portraits

We had some family portraits taken a couple weeks ago that I wanted to share!  We took the photos at a local winery and had Tracey from Spotlight Photography take them.  It was challenging to get all 3 kids to sit and look at the same time but I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out!

We didn't get a good one of Hannah by herself so we may try again with Tracey.