Saturday, October 30, 2010


Cali was Piglet for Halloween.   She had a very busy day today.  Our church hosted a family fun day at the community center.  We had over 1,000 people come!  It was a lot of fun.

There were lots of games for the kids, a DJ and a big inflatable obstacle course.  Cali's favorite was the fishing pond.  She kept going back to play in the water.

Cali caught a fish
Nick and I were busy making food so Cali played with a couple of the youth group girls.  Here she is getting pushed around by Ally.

Playing with Ally
When we got home Cali crashed and took a long nap!  After dinner Cali put her Piglet outfit back on and we headed out for Cali's first official Trick or Treating trip.

Ready to go trick or treating

Cali with daddy

Cali's first Trick or Treat Stop

Cali at our neighbor's house
We only went to four neighbors' houses.  After the first one Cali got the hang of it.  Go to the door, smile and people put candy in your basket.

Cali's favorite part was to play with the candy.  She would take the candy out of the bowl, put it in her basket and then back in the bowl.

Cali going through the candy basket

We did let her have some Smarties and gave the rest away to the kids that came to our door.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Enjoying a Saturday

We had a super fun Saturday!  Nick had to get some stuff done around the house so Cali and I left to get out of his way.  Our first stop was to Daisy Cakes.  We saw them on the Man vs. Food show on Travel Channel last night so I was intrigued.  Cali and I ate their vanilla cupcake to celebrate her 20 month birthday and brought their pumpkin spice and black and white cupcakes home to share with Nick.  They only sell their cupcakes on Saturday morning and they sell them out of "Sugar" their Airstream trailer.  Very cool atmosphere and a very fun mix of people there at 10am!

After enjoying our cupcake we went down to the Farmer's Market.  There was everything from homemade pasta to local cheese to collard greens.  I sampled a few items but only bought some yummy swiss cheese from a local creamery.  As we were walking around I spotted a food truck.  I have been trying to find one every since the Food Network show on food trucks.  It is called Only Burger.  There was a line for cheeseburgers at 10:45am!  So I figured they must be good.  Cali and I started with their fresh cut french fries.  The picture below shows Cali's hand all the way in the french fry bag.  She loved them and I have to say they were yummy!  Since the fries were so good I decided to get us some cheeseburgers and brought them home for lunch.

Once we got home we found Nick playing with the power washer he is borrowing from his mom.  He was cleaning our driveway.  It is one of those things that you don't realize how dirty something is until you start to clean in.  In this picture you can see the clear difference between the clean white area and the not clean brown area.  So if you visit our house soon make sure you compliment Nick on how white our driveway is.  He worked really hard on it.

While Nick power washed Cali and I played and went to the park.  Just another fun fall Saturday in the Jordan family.

20 Months

Cali Maple is 20 months old today!  Wow!  Where has the time gone?  They really do grow up fast.
Cali is a very active toddler who keeps us on our toes.

Cali 20 Month Stats:

  • Cali is 23 lbs 10 ozs
  • Wears size 18 -24 month clothes
  • Size 6 shoe
  • Size 4 diaper
  • She has 10 teeth
  • Favorite foods: pasta, pears, peaches, chicken, beef, french toast, mac n cheese, sliced ham, graham crackers, goldfish, cookies and french fries
  • Will only drink milk or water
  • Goes to playschool 2 days a week for half the day, then spends the rest of her day playing with daddy until mommy gets home
  • Loves to dance
  • Is learning how to say new words everyday.  Some new words are apple, door and up.
  • Sleeps from 8pm to 7:30am and takes a morning and afternoon 1 hour nap.  

Cali is such a joy to be around.  It is hard to be sad around her.  She loves to give hugs and blow kisses.  She even gives them without being asked.

Cali is also a toddler and has the art of throwing fits down to an art.  Here is an example of one such fit.  I think she was mad because I wouldn't let her play with the camera.

Cali keeps our days enjoyable and entertaining.  We are blessed and honored to be her parents.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkins & Apples

We took Cali to a "You Pick" farm today.  They had a pumpkin patch and apple orchards.  Grandma Jordan joined us for the fun.

Walking to the pumpkins

Our family
Cali in the pumpkin patch

Checking out a pumpkin

After the pumpkins Cali and Daddy played on the tire swing!

After the tire swing we grabbed a basket and headed off to the apple orchard.  I have to say I was super excited because I have never picked apples before.  We picked a bushel full of fuji apples.  It was late in the season so most of the apples had been picked.  However, we had a secret weapon - NICK!  It is so great having a tall husband.  He was able to get all the good apples from the tops of the trees.  Cali's job was to put the apples in the basket.  
Cali running through the orchard

Cali putting apples into our basket.
It was a fun trip!  Afterward we caught up with the rest of Nick's family for dinner.  Cali wasn't feeling too well so she and I came home early.

Now that I have a bushel of apples, anyone have any good apple recipes?

Friday, October 15, 2010


Cali and Nick went to a park today.  This is what JOY looks like.

This evening we went to a concert hosted by our church.  The Daraja Children's choir did an awesome job!  Cali loved it!  This is her dancing with the kids.  She is blurry because when they were singing she didn't stop moving.  Adorable.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cali's First Hair Cut

Cali got her first hair cut today!  Her bangs were always in her face and she won't keep a bow in. We decided to take her to see our friend Caroline.  She used to be in Nick's youth group and now owns her own salon in downtown.
Cali before.  She is smiling at herself in the mirror.

The first official cut!  

You can tell Cali wasn't exactly thrilled about the process. 

Cali's view

Cali after.  The big differences are the bangs and the 1.5 inches Caroline took off the back.  Since Cali has curly hair you can't tell how long it is but she had some long pieces starting to stick out the back.

Cali did AWESOME!  She wasn't excited about it but she didn't cry.  She just sat in the chair trying to figure out what was going on.  As a treat for doing so well I gave her some candy corn (she LOVED them) and took her for a ride on the carousel.

Monday, October 4, 2010

1st day of School

Tuesday September 28th was Cali's first day of school!  She is going to a preschool for young toddlers two days a week.  She goes from 8:30am to 12pm.  This allows her to socialize with other kids and it gives Nick an opportunity to work.  The church office is 2 blocks away so he can get tons done!

Cali ready to go!

Her teacher said she did great and they even had craft time!  When Nick and I went to pick her up she was playing happily on the playground.

It is strange to have someone else watch her for us.  We asked Cali what she did at school and what she had for snack, but she just smiled.  It is odd not knowing what she did.  I guess we just need to get used to it, our baby girl is growing up!

Cali playing with a classmate.  
Sitting at the puzzle table. 
The teacher called Cali "solemn".  Once Cali warms up to her I'm sure she will see Cali's wild side!  

Saturday, October 2, 2010

19 months

Cali is 19 months old now!  She is a very active toddler these days.

Cali Stats:
- Loves to drink milk
- Favorite foods: pasta, cookies, chicken, ground beef, carrots, pears, peaches, french toast, crackers, goldfish and applesauce
- Cali wears size 6 shoe, 3 diaper, 18 month clothes
- Has 10 teeth
- Takes 2 - hour naps a day, sleeps from 8pm to 8am
- Loves to read books, play with her dolls and color
- Cali has a vocabulary of about 15 words
- Weights around 23 pounds
- Loves to play in or with water
- Likes to play dress up
- Loves to go for walks and play outside

Cali likes to play dress up!  Princess Cali