February included a trip to the beach for a family vacation, celebrating Cali's 5th birthday and fun in the snow.
Since it was the off season we were able to stay for a week at a condo right on the beach. Nick's mom was able to come and play with us too! It was chilly but we still had fun at the beach and the aquarium.
Our sweet family playing in the sand.
Maw Maw and our 3 cuties
I love how the aquarium just blows their minds! We had the whole aquarium to ourselves to discover and play in. We went twice in one day to explore and play.
See Cali running? See Henry staring up at the fish? See Hannah pointing up at the fish! Success!
Winter has been crazy! We will have 65 degrees and spend the afternoon playing outside and literally 3 days later there is snow on the ground. We have had at least 3 large winter ice/snow events. One even brought inches of snow for us to play in.
Hannah, Nick and Henry exploring the snow
I nailed Cali with a snow ball :)
Hannah loved playing in it, for a while, then she went inside to play iPad