Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cali's Dedication

Today was Cali's dedication at our church. It was a very special day as we stood before the church to declare our commitment to raise Cali in a Christian home and welcoming the church's help in showing her God's grace. We had our extended family present to witness the event and also state their commitment to do their part to raise Cali and draw her to Christ.

Pastor Eric did a great job with the dedication. It was really special to have him do the little ceremony because Eric is the pastor who married us almost 7 years ago.

Cali was adorable and well behaved during the whole thing! She even tried to take the microphone from Eric while he was talking.

After the service we came back to the house for lunch. It was the first time we had served a meal to both sides of our family.

The four cousins had a great time playing! The two five year olds got along really well and helped entertain the younger two.

It was a long day for Cali that included LOTS of playing. Poor thing was up from 7:30am to 3pm before she got a decent nap. Once everyone left she slept for 2 hours.

This evening we put her back in her dress for photos. She looked like a princess.

She was not too excited about the photo shoot though. This also proves that she is not happy all the time:)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a fun Thanksgiving with my side of the family at my sister's house, aka "Toyland". Cali had a great time playing with her cousins and their toys. The highlight was Cali finally figuring out how to crawl!

Monday, November 23, 2009

9 Months Old!

Cali is 9 months old today!

We went in for her 9 month check up today and she was 18 lbs 1 oz and 27 1/2 inches long. It is amazing how big she is getting! She did great at the Dr. until she got her flu shots.

Fun facts about 9 month old Cali:
  • She has 3 teeth and is working on her 4th
  • She can walk if you hold her hands
  • She loves sweet potatoes, apple sauce, carrots, and bananas
  • She sleeps from 8pm to 6:30am most nights
  • She makes LOTS of fun noises
  • She is the queen of the 20 minute power nap
  • She can pull herself up from sitting
  • She can sit up from a laying down position
  • She still spends the morning with Pam at work and the afternoon at home with nick
  • She doesn't like to be ignored

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Christmas Parade

Cali went to her first parade today! We were actually in the local Christmas parade. My company had a truck and trailer in the parade. It was a ton of fun! We all sat in the bed of the truck and waved.Cali did great!
However after about 10 minutes of waving at the crowd she fell asleep.
She slept for over 45 minutes in my lap as I waved.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Now that Cali can sit up on her own, this is how I find her when she wakes up.

Sitting up and smiling in her crib!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Toyland & New Tricks

Friday night Grandma Jordan and Grannie came over for dinner. We had a nice time chatting and watching Cali play.

Saturday we went to Toyland (my sister's house) to celebrate my birthday. Cali had a blast! She played in a horse jumpy, went through boxes of toys and played with her cousins. With the combination of Mary's house having carpet (our house is hardwood and tile) and the older cousins running around Cali got some motivation to move. She accomplished 2 new tricks while at Aunt Mary's house:
1 - Go from on her tummy to a sitting position.
2 - Go from sitting to pulling up on furniture, toys and Nick.

Cali playing in the horse

Playing with her cousins

Cali pushing herself into a sitting position

Monday, November 9, 2009


This is my first attempt at iMovie.


As a women their are certain rights of passage... Cali achieved one of these over the weekend. Shoe shopping!

We went Saturday night with Nick's mom and her friend but were not willing to spend $30 on a pair. So we left empty handed.

With Angie's advice Cali and I went to Target on Sunday. Here is the picture of Cali trying on shoes! We decided to go with the pink pair! She wore them all day and only pulled them off once!

Grandparent Fun!

Saturday Cali got to play with her grandparents!

Grandma Kerry and Grandpa Ray came over to play Saturday for a few hours while Nick was hanging out with the youth. They came over for lunch and some quality play time.
Here is Cali playing with Grandma Kerry!

After a good nap we meet Grandma Jordan and her friend for dinner. After dinner we walked around and tried to find Cali her first pair of shoes. They were great sports as we dragged them from kids section to kids section trying on shoes!
Here is Cali playing with Grandma Jordan!

Friday, November 6, 2009


Cali's 3rd tooth has officially arrived!
She is feeling much better today too. I guess the hard part is getting the tooth up through the gums.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Teething Monster

The Teething Monster has taken over our daughter! Poor Cali has at least 1 tooth coming in that we can see. The past 3 days and nights have been difficult for all of us! Cali is extremely needy and wants to be held a lot. She also had a low grade fever this evening. We are giving her Tylenol as frequently as we can.

Monday night she woke up at 11:30pm and was up crying until 12:30am. I nursed her and she was out. Tuesday she was up at 12am and I just nursed her. Wednesday night she was up at 12am and cried until 1:30am.

Poor girl - I know she needs teeth, but I wish it wasn't so hard for them to come in.